Regina Folk Festival Past 50 / Future 50 VR experience
Off and on over the last year I’ve been working on an Oculus Rift based VR project for the 50th anniversary of the Regina Folk Festival. I explored a wide range of aspects of the 50 years and I ended up focusing in on the history of the graphic design of the festival. I ended up settling on a few years and decided to turn them into virtual worlds to enter into. In total I made about 7 different spaces to explore amongst a few other experiments that didn’t make it into the public project.
It can be found at the central Regina Public Library until the end of August.
The project was built in Unity3D and was designed for the Oculus Rift. I originally was trying to make it without using the Oculus Touch controllers and focus on Gaze interaction, but I was more interested in being able to quickly interact with things.
For sound, I got to dig a little deeper into the world of spatial audio and added some fun little sounds to accompany the spaces I created.
Learn more about some of my other projects over on my skills page.
Leader Post article about my project.
This project was made with the support the Sask Arts Board.